From now on, the auction process is split into two parts: the trading environment and the fulfilment environment. We opted for this split so that you as a user can see even more relevant information in each environment.
The trading environment
As a seller or buyer, you use the trading environment to trade. In this environment, you will find all types of auctions, both current and expired. When a car is awarded, cancelled or sold (Buy-Now), the vehicle automatically moves to the order environment.
The fulfilment environment
So after an auction ends, you will find the vehicle in the fulfilment environment. Here it is up to the buyer and seller to finalise the deal. This includes things like invoicing, payment, indemnification and transport of a vehicle.
Where can I find both environments?
So where you used to have all stages of the auction process at the top of the page, both stages can now be found in the navigation to the left of the page. The trade environment can be found via the car icon and you'll find the order environment via the icon with the circle around it.
To make it even easier for you to find a vehicle, a platforms' search bar has been created. This allows you to quickly search for the car you want to find in the trading or order environment.