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How can I add a new user?
Joeri Mucharowski avatar
Written by Joeri Mucharowski
Updated over a week ago

Add user


Only accounts with the role 'Company Administrator' are authorized to do this.

To add a user go to users in the left navigation menu:

  • Click on the user icon in the left navigation menu;

  • Go to the tab users;

  • Click on 'add user';

  • Follow the instructions for adding a user;

  • Assign a role and permissions to the user;

  • Click on 'save' to permanently add the user;

  • Your new user is now added to CarCollect.

Add user without authorisation

To add a user you can send an e-mail to Mention in this e-mail the name, e-mail address, telephone number and the branch where the person works. As soon as we have received approval from the person responsible within the company, we will start working on this as soon as possible.

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